Story of the Great Man Called MILO

Ever heard the story about the man called Milo? i guess not. But maybe you must have known the energy beverage drink called Milo. Here's the Story behind the name. Thousands of years ago, Milo was born in a very wretched family, but that didn't stop him from achieving what he wanted to achieve. During those days there used to be a wrestling contest and they were like celebrities in those days. Milo did admire them as little as he was then. This made Milo to start carrying stones as much as he can carry in other to be huge like those wrestlers.

  Many years went by and milo kept on carrying stones, as he progressed in age he carried more heavier ones. When he was of age, he joined the wrestling competition. Each time he comes to the competition, he would carry a bull by his shoulder, when he enters the arena he would kill the bull by himself, this would put fear in the opponents heart and he would defeat him in an instant.

None was a challenge for Milo, until he defeated them all and became the champion, the king was so pleased with him that he gave him his daughter to marry. That's how Milo became a wealthy and successful man.

Remember that great things take time, suffer today and enjoy tomorrow
Story of the Great Man Called MILO Story of the Great Man Called MILO Reviewed by Ernest Sylvester on 11:50 Rating: 5

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